DARai : Daily Activity Recognition Experiment 

Participants call

The OLIVES Lab at Georgia Tech is inviting participants for an IN-PERSON research study focused on generating public datasets through wearable sensors and video recordings of everyday activities. If you are interested in experiencing high-end technologies in a friendly environment and contributing to meaningful, open-source research, this study might be a perfect fit for you! You will be eligible to receive a total of $40 in Amazon Gift Cards. Refreshments will be provided!  

Eligibility Criteria: 

To participate in this study, you must: 

  • Be between 18 – 89 years old 
  • Be able to consent without requiring surrogate consent from a legally authorized representative 
  • Agree to allow your de-identified data (face blurred) to be disseminated for research purposes only 
  • Be comfortable with performing everyday activities without wearing glasses. Contact lenses are permitted 

What to Expect: 

Participants will be involved in four sessions at the OLIVES lab, located in the Tech Square area of campus. Each session is expected to last 30 minutes, during which you will wear state-of-the-art wearable sensors and engage in common activities such as preparing food, watching TV, dancing, playing video games or/and light exercise. Your actions will be recorded with cameras, with all personal identifying information removed from the final dataset. You will be closely monitored during the activities, and any sign of discomfort from you will end the session immediately. There will be a survey at the end of the session. 

Sample Recording:

End of session survey:

Demographic survey:

Risks and Benefits: 

The risks involved are no greater than those involved in typical daily activities. While this study is not designed to directly benefit you, your participation will contribute to the development of open-source datasets that can be invaluable for the larger biomedical and machine learning communities. 

Consent form:


For your time and participation, you will be compensated with a $5 Amazon Gift Card per session, even if you decide to leave the session early. If you attend all four sessions, you will receive a total of $40 in Amazon Gift Cards, including a $20 bonus for full participation. 

Schedule your session here

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